The River Queen
We Have Not Forgotten
David Land on the Left and an unknown Sailor
FIRST ENDORSEMENT on Commander River Assault Squadron FIFTEEN ltr 3000
ser 02-69 of 20 JAN 69
From: Commander Task Group 117.2
To: Commander U. S. Naval Forces, Vietnam
Via: Commander Task Force 117
Subj: Combat After Action Report (MACVJ 3-32) (U)
1. (U) Forwarded.
2. (C) This operation saw the first loss of a Program V river assault
craft to the enemy. At 140940H, January 1969, T-151-5 was sunk by a
command detonated mine at coordinates WR 438769 on the Rach Cai Nhut in
Chuong Thien Province. Local intelligence indicates that the mine may
have been a dudded 750 pound U.S. bomb converted to a command detonated
water mine. The degree of destruction of the boat indicates that a mine
of considerable size must have been used. The area in which the explosion
occurred had been swept prior to the passage of the MRC but it is apparent
that the sweeping had not been effective. An analysis of the event
indicates that sweep craft must be as close to the banks of the stream
as possible in order to destroy the command detonation cables. The act
taken by other craft of the transit group was instrumental in speedy evac-
uation of the wounded. The hulk of T-151-5 was completely destroyed by
an UDT/EOD element during the afternoon of 2 February. The hulk no longer
presents a hazard to navigation.
3. (C) In order to improve the communication capabilities of the CCB
action is underway to procure two AT-292 antennae for use by CTG 117.2.
In addition, an effort will be made to position antennae used by embarked
Vietnamese Marines in locations where they will not shield the installed
antennae aboard the CCB.
4. (C) The fast action taken by Z-152-1 in coming alongside T-152-3 is
noted. There is no doubt that the boat would have sunk as a result of
flooding caused by a rocket hit had not it been expeditiously dewatered.
5. (C) The continued difficulties being experienced with Lister Generators
aboard the CCB is noted. It has been proposed by personnel of CTG 117.2
that the starting circuitry which is in fact part of the attached generator
be immobilized in order to prevent electrical derangement of the equipment.
The prime mover for the Lister system can be started easily with a hand
crank and it is felt that the proposed action will indeed prolong the life
of the equipment and the associated radios which it serves.
[ This is typed from an authentic "After Action Report" ]